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SERIES HK2 - Chicken flap with timer

2nd choice - flaps or sliders 230x340mm. Fully operational.
2nd choice - flaps or sliders 230x340mm. Fully operational. Returned items that have been slightly scratched on the surface during transport or during the manufacturing process or show individual stains.

In 4 sizes - 230x340mm, 300x450mm, 340x550mm, 420x370mm.

The flaps are fully functional. With the right tool you can get them polished to a high gloss again. ;-)

made of 2 mm thick aluminium
recommended for chicken coop.
slider 230x340mm
2 rails with pre-drilled mounting holes
incl. 19% Tax zzgl. Versand - Mehrsprachig

Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 days (3)

SERIES HK2 - Chicken flap with timer

Here you can find the HK-ZSU - chicken flap with timer and the suitable accessories

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