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Fog machine JT FG-150  - 1000 PSI (70 bar)
Fog machine JT FG-150 - 1000 PSI (70 bar) Fog cooling – air cooling for terraces and pup gardens
The Fog Machine FG150 is able to make you feel comfortable also on extremely hot days by cooling even outdoor areas like terraces, pub gardens and other places and it is also very useful for workshops, green houses and so on. A low energy and water consumption makes the system very economical. The 3- piston pump unit with a special created motor and a sensor- and app-control have made this high pressure misting system with 1000 PSI (70 bar) pressure performance to a sophisticated product which contrasts sharply with standard solutions with respect to energy consumption, water consumption and durability. Up to 10 °C cooling effect is possible!
incl. 19% Tax zzgl. Versand - Mehrsprachig

Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 days (8)
Mist cooling ZDS-DC12V for 230 V / 12 V DC - 70 bar
Mist cooling ZDS-DC12V for 230 V / 12 V DC - 70 bar

Fog cooling - air cooling for balconies, terraces and outdoor areas in front of motorhomes

With the Fog Machine ZDS-DC12V it is possible to make even extremely hot days bearable and with very low energy and water consumption to achieve a noticeable cooling for the outside area in front of mobile homes, terraces, balconies!

The ZDS-DC12V pump unit has made this high-pressure fogging unit with 70 bar (1000 PSI) pressure output a mature product that stands out from standard solutions in terms of durability, energy requirements and water consumption.

Cooling effects of up to 10 °C are possible!

All you need on site is a 230 V mains socket and a water connection (with hygienically harmless or filtered fresh water).

incl. 19% Tax zzgl. Versand - Mehrsprachig

Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 days (1)

Accessories mist cooling

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