Versandland auswählen

Hinweis: Ein Versand innerhalb der Europäischen Union (EU), berücksichtigt den Steuersatz des jeweiligen Landes. Die Preise werden entsprechend angepasst.

Feed / Feed supplement

Feed / Feed supplement

Choosing the right poultry feed is important for the well-being of your poultry. Only a balanced, needs-based supply also ensures the species-appropriate development of young poultry and ensures high quality eggs.

For a species-appropriate diet and a healthy life, poultry needs feed with sufficient protein, vitamins, minerals and energy, all in balanced and tailored proportions.

The balanced complete feeds ensure the supply of a flock of poultry quickly and easily with only one feeding per day.
Create the optimal feed mix for your poultry flock yourself with our supplementary feed.

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