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Hinweis: Ein Versand innerhalb der Europäischen Union (EU), berücksichtigt den Steuersatz des jeweiligen Landes. Die Preise werden entsprechend angepasst.
2nd choice - flaps or sliders 230x340mm. Fully operational.
2nd choice - flaps or sliders 230x340mm. Fully operational. Returned items that have been slightly scratched on the surface during transport or during the manufacturing process or show individual stains.

In 4 sizes - 230x340mm, 300x450mm, 340x550mm, 420x370mm.

The flaps are fully functional. With the right tool you can get them polished to a high gloss again. ;-)

made of 2 mm thick aluminium
recommended for chicken coop.
slider 230x340mm
2 rails with pre-drilled mounting holes
incl. 19% Tax zzgl. Versand - Mehrsprachig

Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 days (4)

HK3 Klappensteller mit Schaltung Anlocklicht

"HK3 – The next generation of the chicken flap: Robust technology meets innovative functions!"

The HK3 chicken flap offers the latest technology for automatic door control in chicken coops. It combines twilight and timer functions, features an emergency opening function, and includes numerous connection options such as buttons, remote displays, and attracting light. Optionally available with an emergency power supply, it ensures safety and reliability—even in the event of a power failure. Easy operation via display and flexible mounting options make it the ideal choice for small animal owners.

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