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HKM - the set consisting of HK3 and 1 drive unit for multiple barn systems
HKM - the set consisting of HK3 and 1 drive unit for multiple barn systems

Variants with HK3 and 1 to 4 HKM

  • Chicken flap HK 3 with 1 drive unit HKM for additional flaps
  • Operation via power pack 12V DC or solar
  • Emergency stop and emergency opening
  • Existing connections on the base HK3 for: external button, external status display, outside light sensor, attracting light, radio remote control
  • 3-line menu-driven display
  • 4 Languages: DE, FR, EN, NL   Sprache Deutsch Francais English Nederlands
  • Weekend function
  • Drive unit:
    • Operation via power pack 12V DC or solar
    • Emergency stop and emergency opening
    • Emergency power module NSM - if variant with emergency power supply was selected
    • Existing connections for: external button
incl. 19% Tax zzgl. Versand - Mehrsprachig

Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 days (96)
HKM - the set of HK3 and 1 drive unit for multiple stall system + emergency power modules NSM
HKM - the set of HK3 and 1 drive unit for multiple stall system + emergency power modules NSM

Variants with HK3 and 1 to 4 HKM

  • Chicken flap HK 3 with 1 drive unit HKM for additional flaps
  • Operation via power pack 12V DC or solar
  • Emergency power module NSM selectable as variant
  • Emergency stop and emergency opening
  • Existing connections on the base HK3 for: external button, external status display, outside light sensor, attracting light, radio remote control
  • 3-line menu-driven display
  • 4 Languages: DE, FR, EN, NL   Sprache Deutsch Francais English Nederlands
  • Weekend function
  • Drive unit:
    • Operation via power pack 12V DC or solar
    • Emergency stop and emergency opening
    • Emergency power module NSM - if variant with emergency power supply was selected
    • Existing connections for: external button
incl. 19% Tax zzgl. Versand - Mehrsprachig

Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 days (174)
2nd choice - flaps or sliders 230x340mm. Fully operational.
2nd choice - flaps or sliders 230x340mm. Fully operational. Returned items that have been slightly scratched on the surface during transport or during the manufacturing process or show individual stains.

In 4 sizes - 230x340mm, 300x450mm, 340x550mm, 420x370mm.

The flaps are fully functional. With the right tool you can get them polished to a high gloss again. ;-)

made of 2 mm thick aluminium
recommended for chicken coop.
slider 230x340mm
2 rails with pre-drilled mounting holes
incl. 19% Tax zzgl. Versand - Mehrsprachig

Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 days (4)

HKM chicken door multi-stall

Chicken flap multi-stall

HKM - Set of flap controller HK3 and 1 - 4 drive units for additional flaps

Control up to 5 flaps with a single flap actuator.
Ideal for large barns with multiple entrances. So not all animals push through a single opening. Or you would like to let individual groups outdoors one after the other.

HK3 chicken flap with switching attracting light
The HK3 opens and closes automatic flaps on poultry and chicken coops, aviaries or small animal enclosures at dusk or time or in a combination of both.

The HKM set contains between 1 and 4 additional drives for the flap actuator HK3. These open and close flaps either by setting from the HK3 or with remote buttons.
In the event of a power failure, an emergency supply battery is only used to close the flap.

The main system HK3 and the drive units are connected via a special 4-wire cable or the cheaper version with network cable Cat 5 or better. Here, 2 pairs of wires are used together as one line. Not included in delivery, please order separately.

Real emergency stop or emergency opening function:

If there is an animal under the slide during the closing process, the motor is automatically stopped and the flap is opened again immediately. The closing process is automatically repeated several times. No animal has to free itself under the weight of the flap, as is usual with all other manufacturers!
This feature can be disabled in the settings.

Variants with and without emergency power failure protection

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