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Poultry waterer

Poultry waterer

The right poultry drinkers and DIY kits for numerous types of chicken drinkers

Easy-care and sensibly designed poultry drinkers are available for chickens, quails, ducks, geese or other poultry in the JOSTechnik range. Poultry drinkers with an integrated water tank and those models that you connect to an existing pipe offer clear advantages, such as saving time. As these drinkers refill themselves, you do not have to constantly check the water level and they are also easy to clean. Fully automatic poultry drinkers, which are supplied with low pressure by means of hose connections, offer many advantages to the poultry farmer. The reservoir, which takes care of refilling the drinkers, is connected directly to the water pipe via a float valve. Vitamin preparations, for example, can be easily administered via the container. Siphon drinkers, inverted drinkers or drinking buckets, on the other hand, fit practically into every poultry hobby. In addition, JOSTechnik carries the appropriate hoses and hose connectors, replacement valves, drinker warmers, sealing rings etc.

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