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Box with 12 STABILA for ET incubators. To stabilise the eggs while the egg tray oscillates

Ab 2,00 EUR
incl. 19% Tax plus Shipping costs
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8 Stück
Artikel Nr. 25500001/12
Gewicht kg
Shipping time 1 - 3 Tage**
  • Article description

    The special shape of Stabila allows stabilisation of the eggs while swinging the egg tray.

    It is compatible with all River Systems products or similar.

    The body is made of plastic and has two versions: the normal version and the version with BiomasterTM (permanent antibacterial silver ion additive).

    The BiomasterTM is a safe and effective system for controlling the proliferation of harmful bacteria as it works against viruses, more than 50 different types of bacteria and mould.

    The BiomasterTM additive is incorporated into the matrix from which the plastic body of the incubators is moulded and therefore guarantees maximum anti-bacterial protection throughout the life of the incubator. This treatment does not affect the mechanical performance.


    • Large eggs (geese, …): the egg is placed in the centre of Stabila.
    • Medium-sized eggs (hens, …): the egg is placed in the centre of Stabila and stabilised by means of a rubber band through the 4 ends.
    • Small eggs (quails, pheasants, …): the four eggs are placed on the four outer cells and stabilised by means of an elastic band braided at the four ends of Stabila.

    Produktsicherheitsgesetz (ProdSG)
    Hersteller: River Systems S.r.l. Via Marco Polo, 33 35011 Campodarsego (PD) – ITALY +39 049 9202464 +39 349 8514774

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